explaining myself

Thanks so much for your gracious response to my re-entry into blog land. I'm very thankful that you all are so excited! I've missed you guys! I'm excited and a little bit nervous, too, if I'm going to be truthful.

I feel like I need to explain myself a bit. You see, I try to be a woman of my word as much as possible. Back in January when I said I was done blogging, I really thought I was done. Then tax time rolled around and I needed info on some quilts I had donated. Well, I looked back on my blog and it was all there. How handy! Plus, I saw tiny snippets of my life that I had recorded over the past few years. It all made me realize just how valuable my blog is to me and what a great documentation tool it is. So, here I am, back at it, for better or worse. :)

The quilt shown above is a king size that I stippled for my haircut girl. We worked out an arrangement where we are bartering haircuts (and highlights!) for quilting services. It's a happy arrangement for both of us! I'll admit that I'm glad that she will be the one binding this monster quilt.

Happy Monday to you!