crazy mom quilts: one way to knit a rag rug

First off, thanks to all of you who left such kind comments on my book. They are all so very appreciated!

Also, thanks to all of you who loved my rug! Here's a little tutorial so you can make your own!
Collect (or cut) strips of fabric. The fabric widths can vary quite a bit, but anywhere from 1/2" to 1" is ideal. I use selvages-both the pretty and not so pretty ones-and skinny strings. The more color the better!

Knot the strings end to end. I do this on the go, so the "yarn" doesn't get tangled. Use two strings held together as one "yarn" throughout. Using size 35 needles, cast on 38 stitches (or as many as you can fit on your needle). Knit in garter stitch until you reach the desired length of your rug. This will require a bit of wrestling from time to time. :) Bind off using a stretchy bind off technique. Then enjoy the wonderful texture!
My rug ended up approximately 28" x 35".
If you make a rug using this technique, I'd love to see it. Please consider adding your photos the quilting with crazy mom flickr group. Knit rugs will be allowed there, too. :)

**Just a note about my flickr groups...In order to simplify things a bit, I've decided to merge my "quilt a long" and "inspired by crazymomquilts" group into one big happy group. PLEASE feel free to share any projects you've made inspired by my tutorials, quilt alongs, classes or patterns there. I'd love to see what you are making!