off kilter

This quilt is my entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.

I made this quilt earlier this year (during my blog hiatus) for my nephew. He's 16 now and he's a special kid. I love him to pieces. Our bond started when he was 6 and I was a new mother of a 2 month old colicky baby. It was deer hunting season, and we were up visiting my in laws. My husband was out hunting. I was trying to keep it together and not start screaming and crying myself. My nephew who could walk and talk and tell funny bits of stories was a breath of fresh air! He and I went out to build a snowman, and I found out he had NEVER built a snowman before. I couldn't believe it. It was great bonding time and I guess that landed me on his good list. For some reason or other, I've been there ever since.

Last year my husband and I got the chance to take him out to practice driving. It was neat to share in that huge life milestone with him. We don't live very close to each other, and we don't see each other that often, so it's a treat when we do.

The quilt was made using Cheryl's gratitude quilt along. Susan named the quilt. (I LOVE the name!) It was a 100% stash quilt. This is one quilt that I am actually anxious to give away, because I think he's gonna love it.