isn't that about the way it goes?

About a month ago I signed up to do a craft show...I enlisted 2 of my friends to go in on a few tables. I debated it a lot...being indecisive by nature. (to say the least!) But after purchasing my new JUKI sewing machine, I felt obligated to try to make a little cash to help support my crafty habits. Once the decision was made, I kicked into production mode. Lists were made, fabric bought, cutting and sewing ensued. It was a stressful sewing frenzy for 3 weeks. (A long time to run on adrenaline, if I may say so.) Many nights of insomnia, stress and sick to my stomach...all over a craft show. It's pitiful, I know, but its how I am. Well, a week before the craft show, I get a phone call from my sister saying that my grandmother had passed away. Everything came to a screeching halt.

We live 5 states away, so we now had a trip to plan, details to figure out and bags (for 5) to pack. I am so glad that we were able to make the trip home to attend the funeral and be with family. My dear grandma was 101 years old. She was fantastic...she helped raise me and my 5 brothers and sisters. When I was young and my bangs were hanging in my eyes, she cut my hair. She cooked many meals for us, cleaned our house. She and I drank many cups of Earl Grey tea together in her fancy china tea cups. (I usually picked the sweet pea one.) She saw me graduate, attended my wedding, and saw each of my three children. Pretty amazing, since she was 70 when I was born. She was a dear woman who lived a simple life. She was a servant...always helping anyone in need. She lived a long, full life and I will miss her so much. I am so thankful to have had her in my life for so long. The funeral was a great tribute to her life. It was so well done, and I am glad to have been there. She had said when she died she wanted to be buried with a loaf of bread in her when I saw it there it was enough to choke me up. She loved her bread. It was an example of how simple her life really was. There were meaningful touches thoughout the funeral service. So we said our good byes to my sweet grandma. I will miss her so much.

The day after the funeral, we traveled back...the day before the craft show. My dear husband drove 12 hours, we unpacked the van, and he proceeded to make display pieces for my craft show. We were all so tired and exhausted. And still running on adrenaline. We somehow made it to craft show day. I woke up early, set up for the show, and sat all day. The craft show was so disappointing. I sold very little. My friends didn't sell much either. I felt so bad for enlisting them in a crappy craft show. However, my friend and I got to hang out together all day chatting and knitting with no little ones underfoot. That part of it was very relaxing. And it also got the whole craft show gig out of my system. It became clear to me that I should craft for my own enjoyment, not try to make a profit out of it. I do it because I love to create. I am so glad that I have this craft show behind me. Now I can sew for fun again. And read!

When I got home from my disappointing day, I walked into a clean house, happy kids and my dear husband. He was cleaning the oven. I love that man so much. He is so good to me and I sometimes feel like I put him through so much. I plopped down and set to relaxing. It's been a long time.

Not home 20 minutes, and I realize that my 3 year old is getting pink eye. Isn't that about the way things go? My calendar for the week is automatically cleared: no play dates, no shopping and no running around to find that perfect fabric or yarn. And that is ok. I actually am cooking decent meals again, planning new projects and catching up on craft blogs. It's great to be home.

Below are some things that I had made for the show.

My little girl now has more bibs than she has outfits. (I made 27 of these.)

My new spring purse. (I'm glad that this didn't sell!)

And a work in progress...I get to hand stitch the binding on this quilt. (I love the handstitching part of the binding.)

It's Thanksgiving favorite holiday. I am looking forward to a relaxing week. Spending time with my hubby and kids. And a little crafting here and there. And laundry. And potty training. And cooking. And I think I am going to try to bake some bread. It's good to be back.