i feel the need to celebrate

For months now I've been having some problems with my free motion quilting. My darning foot was not floating over my quilt as it should. Rather, it was smashing the quilt, even with the presser foot tension at the highest level. The quilt layers distorted and it was making anything with plenty of seams difficult to quilt. I always got by, but as time went on, it became more of a struggle. Quilting is supposed to get progressively easier, not harder, right? I was about to take my machine in to have it serviced and adjusted. I had had enough.

THEN....yesterday, I got an e-mail from Deb pointing me to this website. I read through most of it. When I read this post (specifically check out the photos, not the videos), I knew I had the answer to my problem! Yipee! Did you know that you can modify your free motion foot? I didn't break any pieces off my foot (eeek!) but I did place a few layers of corrugated cardboard in order to compress the spring on the foot a bit. Now my machine glides over the quilt top with ease! I can't tell you how much easier it is to quilt now. Amazing, I tell you. AMAZING!!! I quilted an entire baby quilt yesterday afternoon and the cardboard didn't shift a bit.

In honor of this exciting event (trust me, it made my week!) I am going to be giving away some flea market fancy fabric. One half yard of each of the green and the orange pictured below.

No need to become a follower, no need to blog or twitter about it. Just leave me a comment with your name, where you are from and your favorite quilting tip or your favorite quilting gadget. If you don't quilt, you can let me know what your favorite color is. It will make reading the comments much more interesting than reading, "pick me!" over and over.

As always, thanks for reading. xo