can't decide

Thanks for all your gentle comments on my post yesterday. I was sooo nervous to post those photos, but at the same time I really wanted to. It's good to keep it real! And it felt good to get that off my chest. I cleaned up last night and took a little break. Just what I needed.

Today I'm back at it! :)

I'm making a pair of throw pillows for the annual Women's Christmas Dinner silent auction at my church. The auction is on Tuesday. I'm stuck at what to back them with.
Originally, I planned on backing them with white and binding them in the red bliss dot. It would look lovely, but I got to thinking that it may be too much white? I'm not afraid of white-I use it a lot-but maybe other people would think they are too impractical?
So I rummaged through my stash and I found this red katie jump rope print. It matches well in color, but are the flowers too non-Christmasy? Again, it wouldn't bother me, but would other people think it's weird on a Christmas pillow?

Those are my two options, because I really want (and need!) to use what I have. Oh, and I should add, they are pillow covers, so they will be totally removable and washable. What would you choose?