more scrap quilt squares

Hello there! Thank you for your comments and suggestions on how I should arrange my quilt blocks. I still haven't decided what to do yet, but it was fun to read each person's input. So, instead of make a decision on what to do with these, I thought I would make some more blocks. (This actually was the intention all along...I don't have enough for a quilt top yet.)

Have I mentioned how much I like improvisational piecing? It's pattern to follow....just make it up as you go along. Love it! The white borders will be added when I get to the store to get more fabric.

As you can see, I made a dent in the yellow fabric bucket.

The pink still needs some work...another day.
Yes, I sorted out my scraps according to colors.
That was probably the funnest part so far.

These are some fabrics that I pulled out of the stash....I am planning a pretty, girly sampler quilt. Someday.

We are in the middle of a blizzard here. We have gotten lots of snow and strong winds. We have a snow drift in our driveway that is as tall as Kevin's truck. Some of our siding started flapping in the wind this afternoon. My oldest boy was scared....he thought the whole house was going to go. The house was creaking and groaning. He was more than a little freaked out. Thankfully, my dear Kev went out and fixed the siding right away and we haven't had any more problems.

We stayed home all day long. Kevin baked a sweet potato pie, made some cereal bars and banana bread. I made a pecan pie and some fresh salsa. Kev and I also did lots of talking on the phone. My family in MN are dealing with cold cold cold temps and some of them are a little bit jealous of all our snow. Well, we have plenty to share!

Did I mention that my daughter loves Boobah? She likes to pat his head.
SOOOOOOOOOOO cute! And maybe a little bit scary. :)

1. My warm house.
2. Plenty of food to eat as we are pretty much snowed in.
3. Even though my daughter has a severe cold, she is still sleeping well.