patchwork obsession: part ten

king-sized denyse schmidt inspired quilt
I'm done and I love it.

patchwork obsession: part nine

quilted moving sale apron
It has a lot of problems, so it is a good thing it is cute.
The same goes for me.


Last evening when I was supposed to be making my moving sale signs (the sale is tomorrow) I decided I just had to paint this chair. I neglected to take a before shot, which is a shame, because it was really bad. (imagine faded hunter green with white paint splatters) I used a few cans of Krylon Fusion spray paint that my neighbor gave me (he works at Sherwin Williams). That spray paint works very well. Ask Roxy or Amy Jo. My husband gave me a hard time because I was re-doing his 10 year old chair that cost him $5. But it was a free make over.
Now all I need to make is one of these (scroll to the bottom of the post) and then I should be all set for my sale. Oh, and I have to set things up, too. And finish those signs. But a cute apron is more important than all of that, right?

goodness from England

Monica and I did a little magazine swap.

She sent me some other goodies (which I love) along with this fabulous quilt magazine.
I've been wanting some little heart pins to put in a pretty pincushion, (which I have yet to make) so that was especially fun. Maybe a cute pincushion will be my next patchwork obsession project. My crafting time has taken a serious hit.

This is the first project that I would like to try from the magazine. It's a technique that I haven't tried before, but looks great. Of course the pattern uses Moda fabrics, so that could be part of the reason I love it so much. Thanks for all the goodies, Monica! I loved the package.

About the photo from yesterday's post: I am still working on the quilting, but will show it off as soon as I am done.

Thanks for the comments on my 7 random things list. You guys are great! Thanks for letting me know that I am not a complete fruitcake.

Dawn and Angie, #7 was written just for you.

Kirsty, your comment made me laugh-I'm still chuckling about it today.

7 random things

I have been tagged by Sarah P. and Syko.

1. I worry too much. If I could change one thing about myself it would be this.

2. I don't care for change, but my husband thrives on it.

3. My husband and I have owned both of our vehicles longer than we have owned any of our homes.

4. I tend to listen to my friends' advice over my husband's advice. It drives him crazy, and I don't blame him one bit. I wish I could change this, too.

5. I don't mind doing laundry but I hate to vacuum.

6. I have been told more than once that I should lower my house cleaning standards. (I think that is funny. I guess having a clean laundry room floor-even though it is bare concrete-is either obsessive or impressive.)

7. In kindergarten, I decided I wanted to be just like the school secratary when I grew up. In tenth grade I found out I couldn't type worth a hill of beans. Later, I worked for a printing company, sitting at a desk and realized that I nearly had my kindergarten dream job. The day I realized this, I wanted to run out of the building, screaming. A few years after that, I actually had a job typing at the same printing company. Looking back on all of this, I think it is hilarious.

a bib tutorial

cut 2 pieces of fabric and a scrap of batting about 10" x 13".

make a quilt sandwich.
I use spray baste to hold all the layers together .

quilt your layers together.

cut into a bib shape. (pattern below)
I usually cut an additional 1/4" out from the (tear drop shaped) neck area to make sure there is plenty of room for the baby's neck. (sorry I didn't add this to the pattern) or, if you have a little one, you can check to make sure you have the size you need. also, cut generously around the outside edges of the pattern. An eighth of an inch to a quarter inch would be perfect. (an accurate pattern would have been easier, no? again, sorry about that....this is the way I craft.)
when you are to this point, the bib should be about the size of a letter sized piece of paper.

use a quarter inch seam allowance to sew the bias binding around the outside edges.
I make my own bias strips cutting them 2.5" wide, then fold in half lengthwise and iron.
leave an extra inch of binding fabric at the beginning and end.

hand stitch the binding onto the back side of the bib.

trim off the ends even with the inside edge of the bib,
don't cut off your knots, though.

machine stitch more bias binding, sewing slowly around the curve.

again, leave an extra inch of binding beyond the top edge of the bib.

now, I flip it over and check how the seam looks.
I barely caught the edge on the back,

so I resew making sure there is a quarter inch seam.

now, working from the back,

fold in the extra inch of binding,

fold that in half toward you, and tack down the edges really well.

hand stitch the binding down.
finish up the same way, folding the down the raw edge and tacking the end very well.

add a snap.

and you are done.

after washing, the bib will soften and lay flat.

this one has been washed several times.

if you have any questions, I will answer them in the comments.

if you make any bibs using this pattern, I'd love to see them.
for personal use only, please.
(to get the pattern, right click on the image, save picture, then print out. )

make the pattern full size on paper before cutting out your quilted piece for greater accuracy.

or you could do what I did originally....use a bib that you currently have and make that your pattern...I think I added a bit more length for extra coverage.

I have news.

we are moving to wisconsin. my husband took a job there, so we have to say goodbye to michigan and all our dear friends here. we have only lived here 2.5 years, but it has been so good. I love it here.

so I am sad. I was visiting with my dear amy jo today, my first michigan friend. we have so many good memories for such a short time. the reality of moving is hitting me hard.

we will be moving closer to our family and dear friends in minnesota. that is good. but for today, I am sad.

and I just found a wonderful quilting group last Friday. doesn't that figure?

I thought balancing blogging and home life was hard with having to sell a home in a crummy market and three kids, I am wondering how it is all going to work. but I am too hooked to give it all up completely. so if I am scarce, you know why. I'll be checking in whenever I can.

I have started the bib tutorial and need some help from my husband before I post it all. Hope to have it done sometime this weekend.

edit: this is why the patchwork obsession posts have temporarily stopped.


This is one of the (many) projects for today.
I *heart* scrap quilts.
(I also love my JUKI sewing machine.)

patchwork obsession: part eight

So this pillow has been floating around the house (it never got put away last winter)....and what could be better for it than a patchwork pillow cover?

I made a quilt rectangle, quilted it, and then added an envelope back. It was my first attempt at the envelope back and it made me wonder why I have waited so long to try it. It's wonderful-there is no hand stitching at the end! And when it gets dirty, I can just pop the cover into the wash.

My kids love that they can stick their hand in the back.
It's the little things that count. Really.

patchwork obsession: part seven

quilted baby bibs
These were sent to a friend last week. The thing I love about these bibs is that they get better with each washing. Just like a quilt.
Would anyone be interested in a tutorial for this?

patchwork obsession: part six

I know that this pattern is so last year, but I still love it.
As a bonus, in this photo you can see my patchwork seat cover.
This purse was made for a neighbor of mine. I have one in the works for me as well.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my patchwork obsession posts. You all are so sweet and encouraging! This series has been a lot of fun for me to work on. Although, at times, it has been a lot like a one woman sweat shop around here. I still have a few ideas for this series up my sleeve. So stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. :) happy friday.

patchwork obsession: part five

zip pouches

For those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile, you should have seen this coming. :)

patchwork obsession: part four

doll quilt 19.5"x 23.5"

For my little A.
Made with scraps from this quilt.
I *heart* doll quilts.

patchwork obsession part three

B+W patchwork belt made with the fabulous buckle Susan sent to me in our swap.

patchwork obsession part two

before-plastic and foam cover

after-quilted patchwork cover
I don't know why I am going to admit this, but the old cover was taped together. Yes, taped. It was a joy to be able to throw the old cover away. After I used it for a pattern, of course.

patchwork obsession part one

checkbook cover in linen and cotton

Highly influenced by Sally Shim.
When I showed it to my husband he said, "Would you stop already?"
Lots of things are getting a patchwork covering in this house.

quilt progress

I have my quilt top done.
It scares me to death to try to quilt this thing on my regular sewing machine.
I will probably have several cold sores break out on my face.
It wouldn't be the first time because of a quilt.

rag rug progress

A few things about cutting up t-shirts:
They make a lot of fuzzies.
They can ruin a cutting mat. (mine is on the way out anyway.)
They will make you evalutate each of piece of laundry you fold.
Is this tank too worn? It would look great in the bathroom rug....

zippers galore

Just some of the zippers I scored at Goodwill yesterday.
Bag of 55 for $3.00. And I had $2.00 credit to use.
Guess the zip pouch love is going to be perpetuated.