7 random things

I have been tagged by Sarah P. and Syko.

1. I worry too much. If I could change one thing about myself it would be this.

2. I don't care for change, but my husband thrives on it.

3. My husband and I have owned both of our vehicles longer than we have owned any of our homes.

4. I tend to listen to my friends' advice over my husband's advice. It drives him crazy, and I don't blame him one bit. I wish I could change this, too.

5. I don't mind doing laundry but I hate to vacuum.

6. I have been told more than once that I should lower my house cleaning standards. (I think that is funny. I guess having a clean laundry room floor-even though it is bare concrete-is either obsessive or impressive.)

7. In kindergarten, I decided I wanted to be just like the school secratary when I grew up. In tenth grade I found out I couldn't type worth a hill of beans. Later, I worked for a printing company, sitting at a desk and realized that I nearly had my kindergarten dream job. The day I realized this, I wanted to run out of the building, screaming. A few years after that, I actually had a job typing at the same printing company. Looking back on all of this, I think it is hilarious.