big week

My son graduated from Kindergarten on Thursday. (I cried.) He got the positive attitude award for his class. He had a great first year of school. The poor kid was heartbroken that he had to say good bye to his wonderful little school and his friends.

My husband had his last day at work on Thursday. We went out for supper to celebrate the end of school and work and the beginning of a new job.

Our baby kitties are a week old. They have been a delight. There are 6 of them. (One was born about 10 hours after the rest.) The little orange one has his eyes open already. My friend and neighbor Rhonda is taking the whole lot of them. Have I mentioned that she is a great friend?

My son learned to ride his bike without training wheels on Friday.

The boys and I picked wild strawberries. Delicious.

Today was spent preparing for my hubby to leave for Wisconsin. (He leaves bright and early tomorrow morning.) Some of the fun things we got to do: lots of packing, laundry, repairs on the vehicles, oil changes, running errands and making the most of our last day together.

I am making slow progress on the bright quilt that I need to have done in a week. The sewing machine is set up on the dining room table so I can sew and be in the midst of all the action. I have gotten a little bit of grief from my husband for the traveling sewing machine. (Last week it was set up in the garage.)

Tonight it's popcorn and movie night. Tomorrow starts the single parent 3 week adventure. Wish me luck. I am not sure I'm up for this.