36 patch quilt along, week 5

Welcome to week 5 of the quilt along. I am so glad that I am hosting this quilt along...because I'm afraid that without it, my quilting would be very minimal this summer. (How did life get so busy???) I'm still finding much less time than I would like, but at least I'm making progress on something!

This week I managed to make 4 blocks. I hope I have time to squeeze in a few more tonight? Then again, that may be wishful thinking. This is a no pressure quilt along...so I'm happy with my 4!
I said last week that I was going to add more yellow/gold. Check! Next week I need to move on to another color. :)

It's been fun to see all kinds of 36 patch blocks popping up in the quilt along flickr group. If you are quilting along, please remember to add your blocks to the group!

So, how are you doing on your blocks?

Happy Monday to you!