log cabin scrappy squares

48 down, 40 to go


Problem: Need a pretty wrapping solution and quick. No wrapping supplies (still in Michigan) and no time to run to the store.

Solution: Sew up a fabric strip left over from the backing, and tie it up all pretty with the label of the quilt showing. So wrapping and a gift tag, all in one. I may do this all the time. Presentation is important, and this did the trick.
By the way, my mom-in-law LOVED the quilt.

patchwork obsession: part 13

This quilt will be going to my wonderful Mother-in-law today. I was originally making it for myself, but decided I need to give it away. If I decide to make another one for me, I have plenty of pink fabric on hand.

Here is the backing fabric...I love the back and binding...more so than the front.

Here are a few of my favorite parts of the quilt...

There are no puckers in my quilt. None. This surprises me and I am so happy to report that I am a much better quilter than a year ago. Hurray for progress!
We have a family reunion to go to today for my husband's side of the family. Thankfully, the weather has cooled down a bit, so maybe giving a quilt as a gift in July won't seem quite as crazy.


My sister and I made a few cards last night.
I am still loving the pink & brown color combination, apparently.
Since almost all my stamping stuff is still in Michigan, it was great to have a chance to make some cards and to try out my new stamps that I got for my birthday. (My sis brought her supplies.)

My husband and I had a great date day. It turns out I am not too old for the roller coasters. Yay! (I kept thinking about Lera and what she wrote at the end of this post.) What fun we had! We had a chance to do some shopping afterwards, too, so I have some (much needed) new clothes. It was a wonderful to get a break from our hectic pace as of late.

Now I need to go sew something. I haven't for a few days and I am starting to get twitchy.

more goodies

The packages keep coming. :)

This one is from Amy Jo.

Another awesome tin (yay!), a new bracelet, a beaded bookmark, beads, and a great new stamp.
There were lots of goodies for my boys to get excited about, too. I have the greatest friends! Thanks Amy, for the wonderful gifts.

Tomorrow is Valleyfair Day. My husband's work has a company picnic there every year, so we have a date day. My sister came down to babysit. My husband and I are going to have a chance to have conversation uninterrupted by little voices. I almost forgot what that is like, but I sure am looking forward to it.

quilt in progress # 8

I checked out this book from the library...

which had this picture in it....(I LOVE this quilt!!!!)

...remembered that one of my quilting goals this year is to make a 2 color quilt (just looking for the right one to make)....

...had a car trip this weekend to see my mother-in-law, so I knew I would have lots of time on my hands....so I ended up with this...

I really didn't intend to get into hand applique, but I am really loving the portability of this project. It may look a little primitive when it's done, since I am a beginner, but I am enjoying it.

The quilt is going to be 36" square and I may hang in on my daughter's wall, eventually.
And the coolest thing: I am carrying the whole works around in my new Holly Hobbie tin from Linda. :)


So I've known my new friend for less than a week, and I already have her helping me sandwich my quilts. (Thanks Hjordi.)
I'm ready to start quilting this one, and I always get nervous before beginning. There are a few reasons: because I know that quilting makes the quilt and I am using different batting than usual. I wanted this quilt to be a bit more poofy, just for a change of pace and I am hoping that I don't regret this choice when it is all said and done.
Gee whiz, I can even make quilting stressful.

patchwork obsession: part 12

quilted linen + patchwork purse
For Carolyn, my birthday give away winner.
I hope she likes it.

lucky me

I received some lovely parcels for my birthday.

First, this fantastic card sent to me by my wonderful and silly buddy, Lucy.
This card has vinyl flowers on it. She knew I am into vinyl these days (as everyone should be) and this is the coolest card I have ever seen.

I think I may reuse these flowers on some vinyl pouches.
The whole package had a pink and brown theme, which I love. It was fun to receive a box full of goodies, including this awesome new mug! Thanks Lucy!

Another package I received was from my friend Roxanne. She sent me some vintage fabrics. They are sooooooooo pretty! She also sent some other goodies. Thanks Roxy!

Linda also sent me a package with this adorable tin...(LOVE)

...with fabric! And some other goodies, too. Thanks Linda!

Thanks, friends! I am so thankful for each one of you.

new quilt top

I have been doing a lot of sewing this week.

I decided I need another quilt (in July-go figure) and my pink fabric stash is going to overtake the whole lot pretty soon. So, with those 2 factors, and ignoring the fact that I have at least 5 other quilts going, I came up with this.

Its 4" wide strips cut at random lengths and all sewn together in strips. Easy peasy.
I think I started the top on Monday. Here it is, on Friday, measuring 77" x 88" or so.

Here is what my pink stash looks like now-barely a dent in it.

On to other news....this morning I packed a picnic lunch and we were going to go meet my husband at work and spend his lunch hour with him. I had all the kids packed up and ready to go when I got a call from him saying he had a lunch meeting he had to be at. We were all disappointed, but decided to go to our regular park instead. (We are there at least 3 times a week.) So we went and played and we met our first Wisconsin friends. During our conversation she said that she would try any craft once. Her and I are going to get along just fine. :) She has a little boy and a little girl close to my kids ages and she has also relocated a few times. So we have lots in common. Hurray!

It's been a good day.


This is the first garment I have sewn in a LONG time. Years. I had no pattern, but kinda copied a pillowcase dress that Linda made.
Inspired by this and this and this.
Tutorial here.
It actually looks better as a shirt for a 4 year old, but my four year old happens to be a boy, so that won't be happening.
The cost for the entire dress came in at well under $1.00.
I was so scared to try to sew clothing, but now I am excited to try more.

patchwork obsession: part 11

Quilted laptop case with zipper.

Patchwork pieced from leftovers of my log cabin scrap challenge blocks...so these are the scraps from the scrap quilt. (I mentioned that I am frugal, ya' know.)

The best part: the laptop actually fit inside when I was done, but it wasn't too big, either. I made this the day before we got internet in our apartment, so now I may be toting my computer to the library just to use my new bag. :)

thank you

Thanks to all of you for my birthday wishes, and for playing along on my give away. I used the random number generator to pick my winner, which is #36....Carolyn.

I had a great birthday. My husband got me this book. I have checked it out from the library several times before and I am excited to have my own copy. I have made a few projects from it already, and I am planning on many more.

Also for my birthday, my husband told me to buy a serger. So, please give me all the advice you can. I know very little about them. If you have a serger you love (or hate) please tell me about it so I can go shopping well informed. Thanks for your help.


quilt made by my sister Clair, given to me for my 30th birthday

1. I am a 4th of July baby.
2. I share my birthday with
my sister, Clair. She is 2 years older than me.
3. Growing up, we both hated sharing a birthday. Now we both think it is pretty cool.
4. My sister and I have celebrated only a handful of birthdays apart.
5. I have been married for almost 10 years.
6. My husband is great-for one, he brings balance to my life.
7. I went to school for Graphic Arts.
8. I worked in a printing company for 7 years.
9. I quit my job when my oldest child was born.
10. I love Mexican and Chinese food.
11. I like to cook.
12. I like to eat.
13. I am one of 6 kids.
14. I am the fourth child and the youngest girl.
15. I was the first of my siblings to get married.
16. I am a perfectionist.
17. I have outlived my mother. (She died 18 days before her 32nd birthday.)
18. I was 5 years old when she passed away.
19. My dad raised all 6 kids.
20. He never remarried.
21. Now that I have children of my own, respect for my dad has increased dramatically.
22. I grew up on a dairy farm.
23. I hated it then, but am thankful for it now.
24. Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job I have ever had.
25. I have become a homebody over the past few years.
26. I am a control freak.
27. I have a type A personality.
28. It isn’t difficult for me to make new friends.
29. I tend to be frugal.
30. I love to create things.
31. I love to blog.
32. My favorite color is PINK.

In honor of my birthday, I will be doing a give-away. I’m not sure what the prize will be yet, but I will draw a name from all commenters on Saturday, July 7th.
Please comment only once. Thank you.

Happy Independence Day!
And Happy Birthday, Clair. I like sharing a birthday with you.

downs and ups

For those of you wondering, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I just moved to Wisconsin, but it kinda feels like a close second. I don't have internet connection at home yet and the withdrawal is severe. Severe, I tell ya'.

We are trying to adjust to apartment life with 3 kids. It's harsh. My husband was ready for a break from all the screaming and whining from the kids before we even ate dinner tonight. My daughter must be teething or something. The boys run (what kid doesn't???) in the apartment and the cranky old man living below us was already complaining about us before we signed our lease paperwork. Sounds like fun, no? Thankfully the property manager is really, really nice.

The upside of things:

I drove through Chicago for my first time ever last week. That is HUGE for me. I can barely ride in the passenger's seat through the city-I am a nervous wreck in all that traffic. But I actually drove through it. During the day. And I even changed lanes once! I don't think I'll make a habit of it, but it is something that I never thought I would be able to do. So yay!

I finished my crocheted rag rug.

It's a little bit wonky. But I really like how it turned out. I estimate that I recycled about 15-20 t-shirts. About half of them or more were kids shirts.

The library has wireless internet, which is great.

I finally got to sew today, for the first time in 5 days.

I am having a little alone time for the first time in weeks. Bliss.

This moving and upsetting the delicate balance we had going is not for the faint of heart.