star quilt along, week 3

Welcome to week 3 of the star quilt along. 
This week's block is called Ohio Star.

cut 2 squares 5  1/4" from a medium or dark fabric
cut 1 square 4  1/2" from a medium or dark fabric
cut the 2 squares that measure 5  1/4"  in half on the diagonal twice to make a total of 8 quarter square triangles
cut 4 squares 4  1/2" from the background fabric
cut 2 squares 5  1/4" from the background fabric
cut the 2 squares that measure 5  1/4" in half on the diagonal twice to make a total of 8 quarter square triangles
layout as shown

and once it is sewn together, square it up to measure 12.5".

Any questions, I'll try to answer them in the comments.

Happy Quilting!