star quilt along, week 5

Welcome to week 5 of the star quilt along. 

For this week's block (I'm not sure of the name) I have changed colors because my photos from the first time around were pretty poor. I made this block last night and it didn't go that well. I wasn't in a mood to be quilting (which I didn't know was possible) so that must have been part of it. Anyway, when I sew my block in a quilt top I am going to lose every one of my little points around the outside edge. Oh, well. At least it looks good squared up. 
cut one square 7  1/4" from the background fabric
cut it on the diagonal twice, to make quarter square triangles
cut 5 squares 3  1/2" from the background fabric
cut 2 squares 3  7/8" from the background fabric
cut those each in half diagonally once, to make 4 half square triangles
cut 4 squares 4  1/4" from a medium print fabric
cut each of those squares on the diagonal twice to make 4 quarter square triangles from each square, for a total of 16 triangles from the medium fabric
cut one square 4  1/4" from a dark colored fabric
cut in half twice on the diagonal, to make 4 quarter square triangles
layout as shown (never mind that the bottom left corner is already sewn together)

Once it is all sewn up, square up to 12.5".

Any questions, I'll try to answer them in the comments.