it really was a vacation

We are back from our little trip, and much to my surprise, our trip was relaxing and so very wonderful! The re-entry to normal life is quite harsh, but we are adjusting. :)

There was so much good about our trip.

My husband suggested we paint my dad's living room (it needed it badly) so we did that on Tuesday. What a difference a few coats of paint makes. While we were painting my boys were farming with my brother and my dad and my daughter drug around a very patient little kitten named Fluffy. It was so cute!

Wednesday my husband and I left our 3 kids with my very sweet sister and we went up to Fargo, ND (of all places) and had a wonderful night away to celebrate our anniversary. We ate (way too much). And we ate leisurely. Such a luxury after dining with kids for years. We shopped a bit. (I bought new fabric!!!) We had a great time together without the kids. I could get used to that a few times a year, rather than just once a year. But I'll take what I can get. We also met up with Roxanne, and then I proceeded to talk her ear off. It was fun to see her house in person and to hang with her and her adorable daughter for a few hours.

On Thursday night I went to the Prairie Quilters monthly meeting in Long Prairie, MN. (It's the quilt club that my sister attends.) I showed about 30 of my quilts. The women were warm, welcoming and very complimentary. It was a fabulous few hours talking about quilts!!! I was so pumped up afterward that it was hard to sleep when I got home. They did some show and tell, too, and I snapped a few photos. It's always fun to see other quilters and their quilts. Oh, and they gave me a gift certificate to Gruber's quilt shop just for coming to share my quilts. Isn't that sweet?

This is my sister's quilt. She's on the left.

Sorry there are no photos of me. (I'm shy.) And you've already seen my quilts.
Next post, I'll share photos of my new fabric.