
I have much to share about the quilting retreat over the weekend, which was in Fort Collins, Colorado. I doubt I will ever stop gushing over the awesomeness that was this weekend. It. was. incredible. Truly and seriously incredible.

The mountains were beautiful. As was the weather. Perfection.

Here's my new BFF, Tara, in the most incredible yarn shop in the world. Tara is an Innkeeper at the B & B and a wonderful Jill of all trades. She does everything! Such an amazing woman. And SWEET! And generous! Oh, my goodness. We met when she picked me up from the airport on Thursday and I feel like I've know her for years. LOVE that.

I did some sewing, of course....(photo courtsey of Liz)

...on a borrowed Singer Featherweight. Thanks Julie!
It was SO fun to experience sewing on one.

This is Alexis. She's such a charming and sweet girl. She is another innkeeper. The staff at the Inn were wonderful, as were the owners. I enjoyed my stay so very much.

It all happened at this B & B. I'd highly recommend a visit. I hope to go back some day with my husband for a getaway.

I bought some fabric. Of course. :)

This photo needs to become a quilt. This is more of the incredible yarn shop. It's called My Sister Knits. (in Fort Collins) I was almost overcome with excitement in this place...I was on the verge of overload. It was so great. SO GREAT!!!

This was my only purchase at the yarn shop. It was hard to not go crazy.

Gotta love a rustic VW van parked on the side of the road. :)

The quilters were GREAT!!!

SO GREAT!!! (I missed a few people in these shots...I didn't take nearly enough photos.)
It was great fun to meet Mama Urchin in real life after blogging with her for the past 2 1/2 years.

I ate at Chick-fil-a for the first time. I really love their cups. hee hee.
And we ate, and ate, and ate some more. The food was fantastic. Caramel whipped cream is wrong but so good.

The company was fantastic. It was fun to talk to fellow quilters about quilting, and it was also so fun to talk to fellow bloggers about blogging. That was a treat in and of itself.

I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I came home to a very clean house. My husband is wonderful. :)

The whole weekend....well, it. was. INCREDIBLE.
Would I go back again? ABSOLUTELY!!!!
We are already starting to plan for next year. Yipee!