
I feel kind of "meh" about this quilt. I don't know what it is about it, but I'm going to put it in my quilt cupboard and pull it back out in 6 months and see if I like it more then. Sometimes the 6 month waiting period helps.

It was a WIP that was sitting around for way too long. A few weeks ago I pulled it out and worked out some of my stress and frustrations while finishing it up. Quilting is GREAT therapy.

It's a lap size that measures 50" x 60". The background is bleached muslin. It was inspired by this earlier quilt of mine, but I stuck to all solids this time around. I did a smaller stipple than usual, which I like quite a bit.

Binding and backing came from the stash.

Speaking of stash...I've been trying to make a dent in mine, so I've been keeping track (loosely at least) of my fabric usage this year. I've only busted about 46 yards so far. My goal is 100 yards. I still can't believe that I have THAT MUCH FABRIC! I guess I've been living in denial. ;)