could you spare a square?

The past few weeks I've been preparing for the Summer Work Party for Margaret's Hope Chest. Today I'm working on quilting this "guy" quilt, which will be one of my samples for the work party. It's definitely out of my normal range as far as color schemes go, but it's really fun to branch out. I love the simple pattern! More on that later.

The problem with quilting, though, is that it gives me waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time to think. I usually dream up at least 2-5 new quilts while I'm trying to finish up the one I'm quilting. What a vicious cycle. No wonder I'm never caught up!

My main thought today was, I'd like to do another quilt in this pattern, but using khaki colored sashing (already have it!) and plaids or stripes for the kind of a mimic of a guy's wardrobe. Wouldn't that be fun? I don't have a ton of plaids hanging around my craft room and the last time I hit a garage sale and bought plaid shirts for quilting, both shirts ended up fitting my husband perfectly, so he got them. It was a happy accident!

So, I thought I'd ask you have any guy shirt fabric (or guy looking plaid or striped fabric) hanging around? Could you spare a square?

These are all from shirts that my boys or husband wore. The one on the bottom right was actually the victim of an unfortunate mustard incident after church one Sunday. I salvaged what I could. :)

If you would like to help, please read and follow the specifics carefully:

Each square should be cut 6.5".

Only one per person, please.

100% cotton fabric only.

Either washed or pre-washed is fine.

Please mail in one week or less. If you can't work on the deadline, please let someone else help. The nice thing is that the square should be easily mailed in a regular envelope, so no special trip to the post office should be needed. If you are anything like me, you would count that as a bonus.

I'll assemble the squares into a quilt top and the quilt (or quilts) will be donated to Margaret's Hope Chest. (Or if I get a bunch, I reserve the right to recruit help!)

If you want to help, leave me a comment with your email and I'll get back to you.

Thanks in advance for your help!

edited to add:
Thanks for the great response! You guys are the best! I'm closing the comments because I have plenty of help. Thank you, thank you, thank you! xo