crazy quilting with free fabric from the yarn shop

Alternate titles could be:

crazy mom takes a stab at crazy quilting
(you know it was only a matter of time...)


what's wrong with adding yet ANOTHER work in progress (or two) to the list?
So, my friend Tara came to visit this past weekend. The trip here was her birthday present and I love that I got to take part in celebrating with her. We had a BLAST! (With the exception that my boys shared their colds with everyone.)

We made a stop at IKEA. We did some playing with fabric and yarn. We did some sock knitting. (And some frogging and re-knitting.) Tara did some free motion quilting on the Juki. I started 2 new quilts. (Why start only one?) We visited my favorite yarn shop and my favorite quilt shop.

At the yarn shop we found a few things to purchase (of course) and in the middle of our transaction, Pam (the wonderful yarn store lady) excitedly remembered that someone was purging their fabric stash and told us to go take a look. (She knows that I'm a quilter.) I was skeptical that we would find anything good, but how wrong was I?

Very, very wrong.
We found lots of vintage silks. And some velvets. And linen. Some woven cottons and a few batik pieces. Most of the pieces were once clothing pieces. There was a wonderful variety of colors and prints. We left with a bag and a box full of fabric. Full of FREE fabric. :) It was a fabulous find.

The fabric find led to some crazy quilting experimentation. The plan was to make a few squares to turn into pillows, but I switched from pillows to a quilt in no time flat. I think I neglected to tell Tara, which was very funny. But making quilts is what I do.
Here are the first two blocks. I rather like them a lot. The bird piece on the right was part of our find as well and I think that it will make a wonderful (funky) addition to the crazy quilt. The piece on the left is my very favorite of the whole lot. It's is a GREAT red polka dot. I wish I had yards and yards.

It is sweet to find free vintage fabric at the yarn shop, but even sweeter when you have a friend to share it with. :)

Happy Monday to you!