big day

today is a big day. all my kids are in school, all day, for the first. time. ever. (insert big sigh here.) i'm on my own during the day for the first time in 11 years. (11 years!!!) back when all 3 were underfoot all day long, i remember dreaming about this day. often! now that it's here, it sure is bittersweet.
my boys were ok with starting school, but not particularly excited, or so they say. my daughter, on the other hand, was bursting with excitement. that helped, but i still can't help but feel a little sad at this milestone. thankfully, i have plenty of quilting (and housework-oh my!) to keep me busy. who knows, next week i may be doing cartwheels. :) or maybe i'll finally catch up on some of my WIPs. wouldn't that be nice?! i guess it's good to keep dreaming.....