juggling act

I've decided that for me, quilting is like a juggling act. The 3 items that I try to juggle are stash, WIP's (works in progress) and scraps. Today I'm going to do a little rundown of each area. It's no accident that this post comes on the heels of my craft room remodel. I don't want things to take over and spiral out of control again any time soon! Thanks for all your sweet comments on my new room, by the way. I'm thankful for each and every one. It was so fun for me to share it with all of you!

Ok, getting back to the subject at hand...


In the early part of the year, I was doing pretty well not feeding my stash. (key word: was) At one point, I actually saw a dent in my stash. I even took a photo to prove it.
It was a happy, happy event, albeit short-lived. August came and I had very little sewing time, but I had a lot of stash acquisitions. (Funny how that works!) Here are some of my new additions....
Children at Play fabric purchased from the lovely Thimbleanna from her little shop. This is such lovely fabric! I can't wait to play! This is a mere 16 of the 50 fabrics (!!) in the line. I love how cute it is, and still so versatile. The colors are right up my alley! Lots of good basics!
I bought this stack at Craft's Direct in Waite Park, MN. The argyle fabric (by Robert Kaufman) was a mere $3 yard!!! How on earth could I not stock up?? I bought enough for a few quilt backs, trying to think ahead to what I would most likely need/use. These are my colors, so it should be no problem! The top two fabrics were deeply discounted as well. Hurray! This trip set me back 19 yards. I learned a valuable lesson...it's better not to tally up the yardage.
These are from my favorite quilt shop ever, which closed last week. I'm soooo sad. I only bought a few things...this was actually from 2 different trips! So, at least I showed some restraint there.
I was gifted some fabric, which is always lovely! These are from my BFF Tara, for my birthday. This is some of the new Denyse Schmidt line from JoAnn's. I must be living under a rock, because I didn't even realize that she had any new stuff out. I LOVE IT! Blue and green. Mmmm, good!
My dear friend Cindy heard I was lacking PINK fabric in my stash, and she sent me a generous care package to help me out in my plight. She sent so many gorgeous things-so many different prints! It's so nice to have friends take care of you! Thank you Cindy and Tara!

There was more fabric, but that's the bulk of it. I guess all in all, not terrible. But still several quilts worth!
(Now that I blogged about them, I can let these babies mingle in my stash. Anyone else do that???)


Oh, mylanta. I'm drowning in this area right now! I don't know how I let it get so bad.
I have 5 quilt tops done.
2 nearly completed tops.
I'm hand quilting one.
I have one basted, ready to machine quilt.
Then, I have several in block stages. I store them in donut containers, which works very well. (Don't worry, I don't eat all the donuts. I get the containers from church.) The sad thing is, this isn't all of them. Really, it's frightening. I'm not even counting anymore, which is even more frightening. I'm not counting partly because I have a few projects that I'm not sure if they qualify as WIP's or not. They are kind of in limbo. Or I'm in serious denial. Either way, I'm in deep!

I'm determined to start digging myself out of the hole this month. I'm a finisher...at least I always used to be. It's time to get back on track!


And then there are scraps. Oh, how I love them! In fact, Penny gave me a tag line at the April retreat... "no scrap left behind". You know, I couldn't even begin to argue. :) My scraps are quite plentiful. Earlier in the year, I was on top of this, too, but things have spiraled downward. It doesn't take long! They are on the verge of needing an overhaul. I think I have too many categories and I have such a hard time parting with them! It's good that I use them as much as I do, or they would overrun the place!
This is just one of many baskets.....these are just my strings! I have big plans for these...just as soon as I finish up some other things, if I can resist that long! I just had a great idea for a string quilt last night. It's so hard not to start something new when inspiration strikes! Maybe that's how I got in the WIP mess in the first place? Heh.

SO, I'm curious to know...what is your weak point? Stash, WIP's, or scraps? What area are you doing the best in? Or are you a horrible juggler like me??? ;)