finish it up Friday, week 5

Happy day after Thanksgiving! For those of you who celebrated, I hope you had a good one. We had a lovely not-so-little get together at my house. I'm thankful that I got to spend time with my family. They are wonderful! I'm also thankful that we have some leftovers so I can coast as far as cooking goes. Having pie for breakfast isn't too shabby, either. :)

While the turkey was in the oven yesterday I managed to finish up my Merry Minis quilt. Yay!
When I finished this quilt top, I'll admit that I was kinda "meh" about it. But I feel like the quilt got better each step of the way. How wonderful! (the quilt top specifics are here, if you are so inclined.)
I picked out this awesome backing fabric from the clearance section at Connecting Threads. I think the little sketchy print is absolutely charming and it really compliments the quilt top. It doesn't hurt that it's a lovely shade of blue/turquoise/aqua, either. 
When I get to the quilting point I usually tend to want to rush through just to get it done. I made myself slow down and do it right. I'm so glad I took the extra time-the quilting is one of my favorite parts! I quilted little loops all over in light aqua thread. It reminds me of swirling wind.
The binding is a sweet stripe from the Children at Play line. It kind of reminds me of those old fashioned candy sticks. I love a striped binding! I feel like all the components of this quilt work together so well. I'm happy to have this one off the list and on to the couch. The timing is perfect! The quilt measures 55" x 66".

How about you? Do you have a finish to link up this week? If you do, I'd love to have you play along. Please leave a link to a specific post and join in the fun. Since I'm posting so late today, I'll keep the linky thing open into Saturday. Happy Friday to you!