intuitive design

My daughter loves to play with my fabric scraps. Shocking, isn't it? This spring while I was working on many other projects, she did a lot of designing on my design wall. I can't tell you how delightful it is to "work" side by side with my daughter. Her work is so inspiring to me! On a whim, I decided to sew her blocks together with as little editing as possible. I'm so glad I did! Kids have such an intuitive design sense and I really wanted to capture that. Last night when she wanted to quilt with me, we pulled out this WIP and worked on it again. Her attention span isn't very long, so I try not to push, but just sew with the flow. :) We are soooo close to finishing the top. We need to add just a few more pieces on the side to make it a bit wider. I'm thrilled to pieces with how it's coming together! I had to laugh at her posing next to her work. She's a hoot! And her pants ended up all mother, like daughter. :)
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my last post. I so appreciate each and every one! xo