D is for...

Denyse Schmidt. My all time favorite quilter. I love her book, and after making a quilt modeled after one of her designs (below), I have to say that she makes it look deceptively easy.

Dressers. I would collect them if I had the space. (Well, I'd collect any kind of furniture, if I could.)

Dairy products. I love 'em all. Butter, cheese, milk, oh, my. (My dad and my brother are dairy farmers, so I need to support them.) I now live in America's Dairyland, where they hand out cheese curds and chocolate milkshakes at the parade. How wonderful is that?!

Decorating. I love it. I wish I was better at it. I can't wait to get into another house to start the process all over again. (By the way, we finally had our first house showing yesterday-after 2.5 months on the market. They liked it, but have a house to sell themselves. We have another showing tomorrow morning, too. I can't tell you how relieved I am that something is finally starting to happen on that front.)

Daughter. After having 2 sons, it is wonderful to have a girl, too. She is going to give us a run for our money, being a determined little one, but she is so special. I am looking forward to having girl time with her. She already helps me sew by pushing the auto cut button on my sewing machine.