Q is for...

Here are my current works in progress.
(There are 9!)

Red Cross

Falling Oaks

House of Girls


what I have left to add to the modas
(seems like I will never get this one done-there are 1200 blocks)
gee's whiz quilt (my husband named this one. he doesn't appreciate the gee's bend quilts and he can't figure out why I would want to try to make something similar.)

inspired by these
this is just a quarter of the quilt...it's huge!

scrappy 9 patches (some of these blocks-ones not shown-are ugly, I don't know if I should throw them out or try to make them fit in with the not so ugly ones.)

hearts all around
I have all the hand applique done on all 36 blocks

log cabin half-block
I might make one more block and make a doll quilt out of these.

log cabin scrappy challenge
I thought about starting another quilt today...
I have the sickness.