my head is spinning

Here is what has been going on in my life in the past week:

We moved from our tiny little temporary apartment into a rental house. This place feels like a mansion. We are loving the house. This move is nowhere near complete, but we are one step closer to the end.

My husband and I had a lovely dinner cruise date Friday night. The evening was planned and paid for by his work place. It was something that we wouldn't have found the time to do otherwise. Thanks to Hjordi for babysitting my kiddies.

My daughter is cutting eye teeth.

One of my boys has a cold.

A new bus route for my other boy.

Met some wonderful new neighbors. They bake great cookies. :)

No internet access in our home for 5 days. And 7 hours.

I finished a quilt top.

And started a new (insane) quilt project.

My sister had her first baby yesterday-a little boy.

And my other sister is here to visit for a few days.

Whew. Anyone else tired?