2007 in review

2007 has been a good quilting year for me. :)

I had a few quilt goals for 2007...

1. Make no quilts containing just plain squares.

I made this quilt, so I didn't make this goal. Considering I have had the fabric for 5 years, I was just happy to complete it.

2. Make a 2 color quilt.

3. Make a quilt with squares on point.

4. Finish 12 quilts.

My total was 17. That doesn't count doll quilts.

5. Do more improvisational piecing.

I made 8. A great plenty.

6. Use new patterns.


7. Make a sampler quilt.

I started one for the quilt a long.

8. Complete at least one scrap quilt.

I made 4.

2 of them were completely scraps, no extras.

2 were scraps with borders or stash added.

Out of 17 quilts completed, I gave 9 away.

All in all, I think I did pretty well with my goals.

Now, looking ahead...

I made some quilt goals for 2008.

Make more charity quilts.

I have a few friends that I have known for a long, long time that don't have an Amanda-made quilt, so that needs to be remedied.

Finish the 4 quilts that I currently have in progress.

Make more quilts with triangles in them.

Make another 2 color quilt.

Beyond that, I just plan to do more of the same quilting that I have been doing...scrap quilts, improvisational piecing and pretty much quilting like crazy. And working on my list.

Happy New Year!