
On Sunday, while I was home from church with my sick daughter, I started to sort my fabric scraps by color. I finished sorting yesterday. There are a lot of scraps.

So I thought I would make a series of mono-chromatic quilts.
Yes, I am hardcore.
Yellow was one of the smallest heaps of scraps so I started there. I had a scrap of batting left over that was about a baby size, so that determined the size of this quilt.

I was nervous how it would turn out, as I am with every quilt, but I do like it. I can imagine how pretty it will be when it is washed and dried and all crumply. As of now, just the top is finished.

Just so you know, things aren't all rosy here, even though I've been doing a lot of quilting. My daughter is sick with a bad cold, so she doesn't sleep well. Therefore neither do I. And she is whiny. It's been so stinkin' cold here for a week and it's supposed to be -15 tonight. I haven't been out in a loooooong time. I am going stir crazy. At least this weekend it is supposed to warm up. And we do have plenty of quilts to keep us warm. :)