9 patch update and misc.

why hello there! today is day 37 of the 9 patch quilt along. since i made 4 blocks tonight, my total is now at 41. i'm so thankful that you all are quilting along with me to keep me going!

i'm sure many of you have already seen that bee square fabrics is going out of business. boo-hoo! she's having a GREAT sale-more info here.

there is a placemat swap going on over on flickr hosted by sarah. (it's my first official swap ever! i'm a little nervous.)

also, I'M A QUILT WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo-hoo!!!!

one more random thing...if you have ever ordered from ProFlowers, you may want to check your credit card statements. My husband bought me flowers for Valentine's Day from ProFlowers. since that time, our credit card was being charged monthly by Easy Saver at 14.95 a month!!! my husband called Easy Saver today and they said that the charges will be credited-(we'll see about that)-but holy cow!!! watch your statements! we are not the only ones this has happened to. i'm just hoping that if this has happened to you, you can catch it sooner rather than later.
(sorry about the bazillion links!)