finish it up Friday, week 6

Welcome to week 6 of finish it up Friday! How are your finishes coming along? Sadly, my progress on my quilty WIP list is less than stellar, but I'm hoping to see some progress next week!
I did manage to finish up these mittens for my daughter. These little babies prove that I have perserverence!!! They are riddled with issues, but they are d.o.n.e. The best part? She LOVES them! I put a string on them and tucked it in through her coat arms so they don't get lost before she outgrows them, just like I had to do when I was little. As a family we've gone through WAY too many gloves and mittens so far this season, and it's still early! I'm hoping the string does the trick. (Too bad my boys are a little too old for that!!) When I was knitting these it struck me that I was actually crafting out of necessity rather than just for the fun of it. It's crazy just how satisfying that feels!

How about you? Do you have a finish to share this week? If you do, I'd love to have you join in the fun. Please leave a link to a specific post and share your finish so we can all cheer each other on!

Oh, before I forget, thanks to those of you who wrote out your bucket list in the comments of the previous post. I absolutely LOVED reading them. :)

Happy Friday to you!