finish it up Friday, week 15

Welcome to finish it up Friday!
This quilt has a great least I think so. This was a WIP twice removed. (ha!) The quilt top was pieced by Evelyn Fisher from 03-06, age 90 1/2. See, it even says so in the corner of the quilt.
The top was hand pieced. (Not extremely well, I might add. I had to machine stitch up a few gaps.) But it still has plenty of charm. At some point Sarah acquired the quilt, I believe via ebay. She attempted quilting it, but she got stalled out. I don't blame her one bit. A few years ago she put it up for adoption on her blog. She kindly sent it to me, and then it became my WIP. It sat in my basement closet for quite awhile.
A few weeks ago, when Tara was here, I showed it to her. She suggested I tie it, in keeping with the vintage feel of the quilt. So I ripped out the quilting that had been done and tied it up. It took me at least 5 hours to tie it. The kids all helped out and even my hubby tied a few knots. Even still, boy, was I sore the next day! But it was totally worth it.
To bind it, I cut the backing a few inches larger than the top, then folded it over (twice) and stitched it down. So, this WIP is finally done! I'm happy to be the one to have finished it after 9 years. I have been sleeping under it the past few nights. I just love it. So very much. Probably because it reminds me so much of quilts that I slept under when I was a little girl.
The quilt measures roughly 72" x 84". It's going to replace this family favorite.

Now it's your turn! Please link up your finishes for the week here. Then go ahead and visit a few other links so we can cheer each other on in our finishes. Happy Friday to you!