so much to celebrate!

I feel like things have been pretty darn crazy around here. There is a lot of self imposed stress going on, but it's stress nonetheless. But...if I take a step back, even for a minute, I can see that there is SO much to celebrate and so much to be thankful for!

-Amazon keeps sending me emails recommending Sunday Morning Quilts to me. It's highly entertaining and it makes me giddy every single time. Also on the recommendation list are new books written by Denyse Schmidt and Weeks Ringle/Bill Kerr, the 3 major influential people in my quilting journey. We are on the same list? Really?? Somebody pinch me!
-Cheryl's and my book comes out next month. After working on it for over two years, it feels so good to be this close. (It's also completely nerve wracking!) I received post cards to help promote the book just this weekend. They look so good! We got the quilts back a few weeks ago, which is fantastic as well. I have been choosing different ones to sleep under and rotating them around the house. (This is after they sat in a pretty stack in the corner for a few weeks.) It's so good to have the quilts home! By the way, Cheryl has a fun little contest going on over on her blog. Which comes first, the baby or the book? You should check it out! :)
-Moda developed a pattern sheet for a zig zag quilt using the no triangle method that I first shared here. How cool is that??? I received a lovely box from Lissa, which is always an ABSOLUTE day brightener. Thank you Lissa! 
On the back of the pattern sheets, a little blurb, right next to the moda logo, with my name on it. That feels pretty fabulous!
-Melinda and I have been working together to plan a quilt retreat right here in Wisconsin over Mother's Day weekend. Woo-hoo!!! I'm very excited that I'll be teaching my machine quilting sampler class again. The weekend should be a lot of fun! You can find more details about the retreat here. There is a link to the registration form there, too. We hope you can join us!

-On the home kids got their report cards on Friday and they. were. fabulous. I'm so proud of each of my kids and I'm so very thankful for them. It's fun to watch them grow up and develop into their own little individual selves, even though it tugs at my heart strings...every single day. I'm so thankful that they are doing so well in school! And I'm thankful for the most wonderful husband ever. He's quite a guy.

-I took Tara to the airport today. Sad as it was to see her go back home, I've got a whole bunch of new memories with my dear friend. What a delight to be able to spend the weekend with her. I feel so incredibly blessed!

Hope you have a lot to be thankful for today, too.

Happy Monday to you!