back to our routine

My sister and my dad left this morning at 12:30 and made it back to MN safely. We had such a nice time with them and now we are easing back into our normal routine. It was great to have them here and we miss them already. It was nice yesterday to be able to sneak out of the house with my hubby for a lunch date and a bit of shopping while Clair and dad watched the kids.

Here are most of the cards that I made while stamping the past few days:


It is so fun to stamp with my sister. But it seems like the whole visit went way too fast! Like I had to tell my kids, we need to be thankful for the time that we did get to spend with them.

Today we cleaned the house and now I am working of finishing up a quilt. Hopefully it will be completed by the end of the year so that my total for the year is 14 rather than 13....that would be so much better, don't you think? (Hopefully there will be completed pictures tomorrow!)

Over the past several days I have been thinking of how I can rework my craft room (which is also the laundry room). I need to reconfigure the desk where my sewing machines sits since I am sewing more (for my new job). My arms have been giving me problems again (it's from a previous work injury) so I need to fix my desk soon. And as inexpensively as possible. I am thinking a trip to IKEA is coming up soon. Yay!

to Nana Nancy, thanks for reading and commenting! I appreciate your input on the 30's fabrics and I will be removing the orange from the mix. That gives me another excuse to go to the quilt shop. :)

Thanks to all of you who check in and comment regularly...I appreciate it so much. If you are reading, please let me know. I'd love to hear from you!