It is the first day of Christmas break and it took nearly until noon for my 6 year old and my 3 1/2 year old to remember how to play nicely together. It was a LONG morning.

But I made some peanut brittle....

....from this, my favorite cookbook. Copyright 1989.

Ironically, it was my husband's cookbook before we got married. He is a great cook and usually he is the peanut brittle maker. But this year he passed the task to me. I didn't know when I would ever get an hour uninterrupted to stand by the stove and stir, but I chanced it this morning. I am happy to report that it all worked out well. The brittle is quite delicious, and not the least bit sticky. Now if I can refrain from eating the whole 2.5 pounds that it makes...well, I'm not sure how that is going to pan out. :)

My afternoon de-stresser was working on this quilt.

I'm going for a king sized quilt. The pattern I worked up for this quilt requires 1200 (3") squares for the 48 (12.5") squares. Plus 63 more squares and 110 rectangles for the sashing. The fabrics are so pretty and kind of busy, so I am glad that I didn't do a more complex design. If it all goes well, I hope to have this done so for use on my bed this coming spring/summer. My grand goal is to have 3 different quilts for my bed...this one, one for fall and one for winter. (I should have bought a full sized bed instead of a king.)

The boys and I saw 7 deer out our windows today. 5 this morning and 2 this afternoon. I've said it before, but I'll say it again...I love where I live!

Tonight my husband and I are going out on a date! It's actually a work Christmas dinner. But since he and I don't get out much without the kids I am looking forward to it immensely. We don't get out much AT ALL! So excited. I gotta go clean up the house and fix myself up a bit.

Good day to you!