
Today I am overwhelmed (in the best way possible, of course) by my friends....near and far.

I got some great love in the mail yesterday....

A few letters from my sister Clair! She is my most consistent sorce of mail ever...even more consistent that my monthly bills....and she has been for years. Love that!

Linda sent us some delicious Christmas goodies. The spiced almonds are my favorite! Linda, Kev and I are so thankful for the years for friendship with you and J. You have been so generous to us over the years...we miss our late nights of Mario Party and all the silliness that came along with it! (Good times...good times!) We love you guys. And we miss you so much. We hope that J feels better soon...we are praying for him daily!

My friend Dawn also sent me a package of Mat Stacks paper (love!) in the prettiest shades of blues, olives and yellows. Thank you so much Dawn! I couldn't have picked out a prettier stack of paper if I were choosing it myself. Love it. I miss you so much too! It's so nice to know that I haven't been forgotten since I left the state. :)

Another "thanks" goes out to my good friend Erin....your listening ear and your great sense of humor are some of my favorite things about you. You have helped me through many tough times and I am depending on you for that for a good long time...I miss you so! I could really go for a craft project collaboration again.

And now for my friends that are near....

My neighbor and new friend Rhonda and her girls came over to visit yesterday. She spent nearly all her time here helping me cut up apples for applesauce. What a nice friend, huh? I had been putting off the task for several weeks, since it was going to take so long and the kitchen was going to get sooooo messy. (It did and my sweet Kev helped clean it!) Well, Rhonda helped make quick work of the pile of apples that needing cleaning and chopping. I am so grateful for her help. Good company made the task much more enjoyable. Thank you, my dear, Rhonda!

Thanks to Amy first Michigan friend. You made my move here infinitely easier. Thank you for teaching me how to sew purses. And I am so glad that you are now a quilter, too. (My apologies to Mike...I'm sorry, really!) So glad to have your help on my quilt sandwiching days. I couldn't do it without you. I really enjoy our days spent are great company. And you throw one great party! :)

I would also like to thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. Without you I would have given up on this a long time ago (which my husband would prefer, but not me!). This blog has connected me (again) to Roxanne. Roxy, I am so glad that you are out there sharing your craft show and tell via your blog! It makes me so happy.

Thank you have made my life so much richer and inspire me to be the best friend that I can be!