snow day!

No school today for my little kindergardener...hurray!

The roads were bad enough to cancel school, but not bad enough that my husband could stay home from work. Too bad. (Views out my dining room window...have I mentioned that I love where I live? I absolutely LOVE it!)

Lots of this....
(love those rosy cheeks!)

...calls for some of this....
...with smarshmallows, as my boys call them. :)

Then on to some quality time with the legos. What a perfect day to be a kid.
The quilt top that I finished sewing together this morning...
...and what I am thinking of doing for the back. Something with some Denyse Schmidt influence. I always want to piece the back of my quilts, to make 2 quilts in one, but I usually chicken out. This time I am going to make myself do it.

And lastly, some new fabric that I picked up at the quilt shop yesterday. (I rarely allow myself this kind of indulgence, as we are a single income family and all...) I have seen so many things made out of these great fabrics that I broke down and bought some. I don't know what they will grow up to be, but I think (and hope that) it will be pretty. How could it not? Now if I can just make myself cut into them...
Today I am enjoying the bright light reflecting into the house because of the snow on the ground. Isn't that the best? It's such a relief. It is usually so grey here this time of the year. It (almost) makes me want to get the Christmas decorations out. And sew up some more trees (see previous post), and make paper chains with the boys. So glad to be at home all warm and cozy.
By the way, happy December!