crazy day

Man I had a crazy day today. I got a lot accomplished and that always feels good. I got my Christmas cards sent out finally. (Insert huge sigh of relief here.) I usually don't send many out at all, because I have this weird idea that most, if not all should have some handwritten note in it. Multiply that times 20, 30, maybe 40 cards and that makes for a huge project. I did the best I could and made mental notes to do it differently next year...start earlier, for one thing.

This is almost the extent of the crafting I did today...I went out into my yard and cut these branches (they are full of thorns) and threw them in this pitcher. My husband's comment: "That's not wild at all!" I kinda like it. It wasn't exactly what I had envisioned, but it fills up the top of one of my bookcases nicely. And it was free! I don't know anything about this stuff...don't know what kind of berries they are. Researching this is on my mental list of things to do. The only other crafting that I did today was crochet a row and a half on my blanket. I shouldn't have sat down because I felt so tired and wanted to go right to sleep. Today was one of those days that I couldn't slow down too much, otherwise I would have lost my momentum and would have crashed into a heap.

I got a job this week. That added to the craziness of my day as well. I am now officially a seamstress working from the comfort (or discomfort, depending on my children's moods) of my own home. The perfect setup for a mom to 3 young children. I am sewing patches on uniforms for the employees at my husbands workplace. It has been going really well (except about a hundred pin pricks in my fingers and hands). I get paid a flat rate per patch that I sew on. What a deal! Thankfully my husband is helping me with the paperwork end of things. I hate that part of business endeavors, but he is so great at that part. It's fantastic to have his help. I am so excited that I now get paid (really well!) for sewing. My personal crafting time is going to take a hit, but that was coming anyway, with my daughter nearly 8 months old and getting more active. Maybe now that I have more to do, I will become more efficient. That is the hope anyway.

Hope that you are enjoying this holiday season! Only 5 days 'til Christmas....