better than thrifting

What could be better than thrifting you may ask???

Well, when my sister came to visit last week, she brought some things to me that belonged to my grandma and a few things from my childhood...

A little dress that my Grandma had made for my cousin Melissa when she was little. (Melissa is now 30, so that gives you an idea of how old this is...) My little girl will wear this soon!

A puzzle that I got for Christmas when I was about 9 or boys love puzzles and I will enjoy sharing this with them. (It's looking pretty vintage, isn't it?)

A bunch of buttons in a cool old canning jar.

(I heart buttons...)

and some extremely funky slippers (they have big pom poms on the tops). These were made by my mom probably in the 70's judging by the colors. These are precious to mom passed away when I was only 5 yrs old, and these are one of 2 things that I own that she made. She was quite the crafty lady, my mom.

I also got a brooch/pin that belonged to my grandma but had troubles getting a decent photo of it, so I just gave up. You'll have to trust me when I say that it is very cool. :)
I am borrowing this idea from a few quilt blogs that I have read off and on this idea so daily list things that I am thankful for at the end of each post.

1. My washer and dryer. (they have been getting a lot of use the past 2 days, since we have had sickness in our house again)

2. Sunshine.

3. My husband. What a dear man he is. He so often puts the needs of others ahead of his own. He is a great husband and dad. And he makes me laugh. (I'm trying not to get too mushy here, which I am sure you will appreciate!)