my crabby post

Can I just say that I am crabby today? I sure don't want to be, but that doesn't help. I am so tired I could 1. cry 2. scream 3. fall asleep standing up. Today I am one VERY burned out mommy. Let me tell ya.

So I am trying to combat the crabbies.
By listening to this album.

By cleaning up my house, again! (A dirty house makes me crabbier.)

And after I wash the bedding that my son wet last night, and after cleaning up the ton of hair on the bathroom floor that I just cleaned up 2 days ago, and vacuuming up all the dirt in the entryway, I am going to give myself a day off. Minimal cooking, no more laundry than necessary, I am going to sit on my hinder and read a book. And maybe get some ear plugs so I don't have to listen to all the crying of the little people going on in the house. Or who knows, I just may join in. Tomorrow, please be a better day!

thank you for letting me vent....tomorrow, a happier post or no post at all. I promise.