
I have been tagged on the weirdness game that is going around. (I absolutely love reading other people's lists....don't you?) I have been thinking on this for over 2 weeks to come up with my answers. Now that fact alone shocks me to my very core. I have banked on the fact that I am weird my whole life! Anyway, I've got to get this posted so I can start thinking about something else.

1. I have a hard time buying just one of anything, especially groceries. If one is good, two or more must be better.

2. I don't know if this qualifies as weird, but it is uncommon. My husband was my first and only boyfriend. (no, we didn't know each other in high school....we met when I was 20)

3. I sleep with my ear (the one that isn't on the pillow) plugged. I won't get into why. :)

4. I have a hard time using "nice" things....cute clothes for the kids, pretty note paper, nice soaps, pretty fabric, stampin' up paper, etc. I think I just want to save and heap and hoard. I am working on this-it drives ME crazy! What is the use of having the nice stuff if you don't use it?

5. Critical people scare me. Seriously. I don't have much of a filter (pretty much what you see is what you get with me) so I don't feel safe around these types of people.

6. This last one, I don't think that it is weird, but according to some people it is. I actually like doing the hand-finishing the binding on is by far my favorite part of quilting. (This one is for you Amy!)

People that I am tagging: Linda, Clair, Di, Julieree, Anna Maria, Ashley, and Blair.

1. My husbands job that provides money to pay all the bills and allows me to stay at home with the little ones.
2. My son's school. He loves it, we love it.
3. My in home sewing job.