taking a little break

I am going to take about a week off of blogging for a few reasons.

I am an all or nothing kinda gal...I have little success walking the middle ground. I have so much that I want to accomplish and maybe if I stay off the computer I will be able to get something done! My husband is doubtful that I could go a week without blogging. I'll miss it so! But hopefully I'll have lots of pictures to show off my very productive week.

Plus it is my husband's birthday next Sunday and I have to do some preparing for that. Birthdays are a big deal around here. Last year for my birthday my husband sent me to a hotel overnight for some much needed alone time. He stayed home with our 2 boys and our baby girl who was just over 2 months old at the time. He had set up the hotel room with flowers, presents, a lovely card, chocolates on the pillows and music playing. It was fabulous!!! He is the best....I am so fortunate to have him in my life. Anyway, I am trying to work on some grand plans to make his day very special.

So, I guess that I'll catch up with you all in a week!

1. A sweet and handy husband. (he can fix almost anything...which comes in handy when you are homeowners!)
2. My friend Vasha, who is always willing to answer my knitting and crocheting questions.
3. My boys, who are becoming such great and willing helpers.