i'm home...and overwhelmed

oh, it is good to be home. and for a stay-at-home mom (who spends A LOT of time in said home) it's good to have a renewed appreciation for it.

the trip to mn was great. we spent lots of time with family and friends.
traveling (with kids) is a lot of hard work, but well worth it.

I did a lot of shopping. got some great deals. bought lots of fabric. {I love mill end outlet!}
met up with blog friends and stayed with my sister. had a blast.
got to give judy her quilt.

[here are a few projects that I finished up right before leaving.]

now, on to the overwhelmed part.

my husband went to FL on a job interview a few days before our trip to mn. {i don't want to move to FL}
while on our trip to mn, he found out about another job opening in hudson, wi...much closer to home. {i think i want to move to wi...although I do LOVE living in MI...I would miss it.}
(he wasn't even looking for another job, I might add, they are looking for him. which is great.)
but still, the possibilities are turning our world upside down. we are constantly talking about our options. looking for properties on the web. dreaming. planning. yikes.
it seems that relocation may be in our near future....but then again, you never know. whew. wouldn't you be a little overwhelmed? it is exciting, and I am so proud of my husband. he works hard, does a great job, and he is a great provider for our family. he is making a name for himself in his industry. I am so happy to be at his side, where ever we may end up.