the perfect piece of fabric

so my plan to stay off of the computer this weekend failed miserably.

Here is the stack of fabrics that I plan to use to make a king (!) sized quilt for my bed. I am thinking something Denyse Schmidt inspired/log cabin-ish...I will also be adding some off white fabric to this mix.

I was looking for a solid orange that wasn't insanely bright to add to the quilt, but that is not an easy thing to find. (Go check it out sometime in your JoAnn's or similar store, you'll see what I mean.)

When I checked Hobby Lobby, their solid quilting cotton selection had NO orange.
As I was about to give up, I saw this fabric....

Left to right is selvage to selvage.

It is in the right colors and I have a variety of solids all from the same piece of fabric. I was quite excited to find this.

Alright, I am off to go start this baby. Never mind that I have this and this in progress, among other things. I am so not a one project at a time kinda gal.