a doll quilt

I started this doll quilt back in October. I was at my sister's house, without my fabric stash and I was desperate to sew. I had a few pieces of fabric with me that I was going to pawn off on my sister if she wanted them. (She didn't.) So here's the fabric, in doll quilt form.

For the quilting, I branched out. I was going after this look. It didn't go well. At all. I was tempted to throw the whole thing away and forget I ever made it. But, I persevered because I am a die hard finisher. I washed and dried it, and much to my delight, it looks a little better now. My daughter uses it for her baby. So success, after all.

Working on a doll quilt scale is a challenge for me. I much prefer lap quilts. But I do like the challenge of working out of my comfort zone. It's also a great size to try out new techniques. Even if they do bomb completely. ;)