odds 'n ends

have you seen this blog??? i feel like i hit the jackpot when i found this site.
today i am trying out the taco soup recipe.
more crock pot use=more quilting time!!!
several of you had asked if i could pick a favorite quilt from 2008. no, i can't. my least favorite was the green quilt. it turned out ok, but i don't LOVE it.
in my new year's post i said i was going to make fewer lap quilts, since i have 20. did you know that all 20 of them are in use throughtout my home at this time? none are sitting in my quilt cupboard. not one. granted, my boys have 5 or 6 quilts each on their bed right now. they love quilts, just like their mama. (insert large cheesy grin here.) i just might toss out that goal...
my daughter (2) has been calling me "sir" the last few days. she cracks me up. it makes me think that she's been watching too much Charlie Brown lately.

and did you know...I LOVE TO STIPPLE????

i really, REALLY do.