
For the life of me, I couldn't decide what to blog about today. I'm working on a quilt and writing a pattern (!!!), so I can't reveal it yet. I'm finding out that pattern writing is hard! But even worse is trying to figure out yardage requirements-that's almost more than I can handle.

In my post on Monday, I had a question about what my stash looks like right now.
This is just for you, Debbie in Wa.

I've been working on stash busting, and I think I've been doing pretty well.

These are 1 yard pieces or less.
I'm excited, because I'm down to only two drawers of fabric.

I use the happy zombie's folding method for these pieces. I love it!

Then I have this large "flat folds", as I call them.

These are yard and a half pieces or larger.
I don't want to know how many yards are in this stack.
Many many yards.

These are set aside because they will eventually become a king size quilt for my bed.
This is going to be one girly quilt.
My husband will be so pleased. ha!
This stack alone is about 10-11 yards.

Then I have my charm pack stash-they are from various lines.
I LOVE charm packs!

I feel like my stash is pretty well under control.
Or am I in complete denial?

And then there are my scraps.
Now they are out. of. control.