candy shop quilt

candy shop
This quilt was made especially for scrap reduction. It's all 6" (cut) squares. I'm trying a little experiment with my scrap bucket. Nothing new is going in and I am going to see just how far those scraps go. I may be on this journey for quite some time!

To quilt it, I just "drew" a loopy line over each seam line. This is how I quilted most of my quilts before I learned to stipple. (It was this or stitch in the ditch.) So I did a great plenty of quilts this way. It was nice to revisit this technique after many years. It quilted up really fast.

The binding is one of my favorite parts of this quilt.
candy shop-back
For the back, I pieced it. All from the stash. Again.

I'm trying to figure out why 9 times out of 10 I like the backs of my quilts better than the fronts. Maybe I need to start designing my quilts backwards?
As an aside, I finished the sweet quilt weeks ago but only posted it yesterday due to scheduling on the Moda Bakeshop. I am working on my wips and making great strides, but I'm not working day and night over here. I promise. :) But, as my friend Mary said, with school being back in session, quilt production must be up. And it is! Yipee!