work in progress

I have come to accept the fact that every quilt has it's challenges during the assembly process. This one has had more than it's fair share. It was going well until I started cutting my fabric. Don't laugh, I'm serious. I had a mathematical miscalculation caused me to trim down 40 blocks. Ugh. Then there was a change in layout. And a tricky pieced back that barely fit. All that to say, I'm so very happy that I'm finally to the quilting part...and so far so good. I'm hoping it continues. (Sorry about the sneak peek. I hate to do it, but I don't really want to spill the beans now, since I'm so close to finishing the quilt.)

Now, to answer a few questions that have been asked a lot recently:

How do I get a copy of the magazine Sew Hip?

They have a website where you can order single issues. The mystery quilt I designed was featured over 5 different issues and they are Issues 5-9. Each issue has steps in making the quilt. You will need all 5 magazines if you are going to make the quilt.

Will you do a little house tutorial?

There is one here. I did my own thing, but the tutorial will get you started on making your own little houses. They are so much fun!

Lastly, I wanted to thank you all for such sweet comments lately. And for stopping by my little space here and reading what I have to say. It means a lot to me. You guys are wonderful. xo