finish it up Friday, week 3

Welcome to week 3 of finish it up Friday! I've heard from several of you that this challenge is really motivating you to finish up your projects. Hurray! Thanks to all of you who have joined in. It makes finishing much more fun! I'm really enjoying the challenge, although it does seem like Friday rolls around faster than ever before. Ha!
This week I was able to finish knitting a pair of socks that I had been working on since February. I'm so excited to see these complete. I'm a very sporatic knitter, and I had one of the socks knit for months. The other one was started, but I stalled out for awhile. I turned the heel on the second sock last Saturday, and sped through the last part of the foot in record time. I closed the toe last night...thanks to this challenge! I always get a little bit giddy to see how slick the kitchener stitch finishes things up. (Look at me throwing around knitting lingo like I know what I'm doing!) It's getting COLD here, so hurray for a timely finish!

How about you? Do you have a finish from the past week? If so, feel free to link up and share your accomplishment! Please remember to link to a specific post. Thank you! And happy Friday!