finish it up Friday

I have so many WIP's it makes me frantic to think about them. I wish I were kidding and/or exaggerating. I am not.

My two newest are fun, but WIP's nonetheless.
This is my fabric pull for the Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge. Have you seen/heard about it? It's a fun concept for a challenge...too fun that I just couldn't pass it up. The deadline is Monday, but it's just a mini quilt, so why not? So far I'm liking what I came up with....just the binding to go!
This is the very beginnings of my class sample for the quilt retreat that I'm teaching at next month. I'm quilting each individual square (there are prints on the back of each block) and they will be joined together at the end with a quilt-as-you-go method. I am at the "oh-boy-I-sure-do-hope-that-this-turns-out" phase with this quilt, but I do have high hopes. Each quilt is an adventure!

So, getting back to the overwhelmed thing. I think it's finally time to launch my new series that I've been thinking about for months. I love what Lee at Freshly Pieced does with her WIP Wednesdays. So, it's going to work something like that. (Thanks for the inspiration, Lee!) I'm calling it "finish it up Friday". I will host a little linky party each week here at my place. :) You can post about your finished project on your blog and link up here, and we can all encourage each other as we finish! The first link up will be next week. I might get all official and make a button, or I may not. We will see. My hope is that this series will motivate me (and you!) to finally turn some of those WIP's into finished objects. Anyone care to join me in? Or are yours all under control? (HA!)